
Member Benefits

Subcontractors Legal Defense Fund: Funds critical legal activities in precedent-setting cases to protect the interests of all subcontractors.

ASAdvantage Discount Program: Discounts on products and services you can actually use!

ConsensusDocs: Use the promocode ASA100 for a 20% discount.


Legislative Action Center: Show your support for current legislative actions using this simple form to send a letter to your legislators. Also, sign up for alerts for actions in your area.

National Events

SubExcel: Annual National Convention

National Event Calendar: Includes upcoming webinars provided to all chapters often free of charge

Past National Webinar Recordings: Browse the entire library for subjects of interest and watch at your convenience.

National Awards

All awards are presented at SubExcel and have an application deadline of December 31st.

ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics: ASA will honor selected firms that demonstrate the highest standards of internal and external integrity.

ASA National Construction Best Practices Award: Recognizes prime contractors that exemplify the values of subcontractors, treat subcontractors fairly through use of level-playing-field contract terms, and consider subcontractors part of their core project teams.

President’s Award: Given by the current ASA president on a discretionary basis to an individual who has helped the president the most during his or her term.

Subcontractor Federal and State Advocate Awards: These awards spotlight organizations and individuals who dedicate themselves to advocate on both the federal and state government level on behalf of construction subcontractors, specialty trade contractors and suppliers.

Attorney’s Council Awards: The award will be presented to an outstanding attorney who has gone above the call of duty to advance and protect the rights of our members in the preceding year.

John H. Hampshire Distinguished Lifetime Service Award: ASA’s highest and most prestigious honor, the John H. Hampshire Distinguished Lifetime Service Award is presented to an individual for outstanding lifetime contribution to ASA National and the subcontracting industry.

Timmy L. McLaughlin Exemplary Leadership Award: presented periodically to an individual in special recognition of exemplary leadership.

ASA Outstanding Service Award: The ASA Outstanding Service Award is presented periodically to an individual in special recognition of outstanding achievement.

ASA Safety Award: The companies recognized will be those that go above and beyond to ensure their employees, and everyone on the jobsite, goes home to their families after every workday.

National Information

Info Hub Login: Access the immense library of curated documents and templates designed specifically to protect subcontractors.

Email Subscriptions: Log in to update which informative emails you would like to receive from nationals.

National Member Directory: See which companies are ASA members across the country.